Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 1

 Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 1


संजय उवाच |
तं तथा कृपयाविष्टमश्रुपूर्णाकुलेक्षणम् |
विषीदन्तमिदं वाक्यमुवाच मधुसूदन: || 1||

Sanjaya uvacha
tam tatha kripayavishtamashru purnakulekshanam
vishidantamidam vakyam uvacha madhusudanah

Translation in English

Sanjaya uvacha
 - Sanjay said 
tam - to him (Arjun)
tatha - Thus
kripaya - with pity
avishtam - overwhelmed
ashru-purna - full of tears
akula - distressed
ekshanam - eyes
vishidantam - grief-stricken
idam - these
vakyam - words
uvacha - said
madhusudanah - Shree Krishna, slayer of the Madhu demon

Sanjay said: Seeing Arjun overwhelmed with pity, his mind grief-stricken, and his eyes full of tears, Shree Krishna spoke the following words.

Translation in Hindi

उवाच - कहा

तं - उसे (अर्जुन)

तथा - और उस प्रकार

कृपयाविष्टमश्रुपूर्णाकुलेक्षणम् = (कृपया + आविष्टम् + अश्रुपूर्ण + आकुल + ईक्षणम्)
कृपया     - करुणासे        
आविष्टम्  - व्याप्त
अश्रुपूर्ण   - आँसुओंसे
आकुल    - व्याकुल
ईक्षणम्    - नेत्रोंवाले

विषीदन्तमिदं = (विषीदन्तम् + इदम्)
विषीदन्तम् - शोकयुक्त                                                     
इदम् - ये

वाक्यमुवाच = (वाक्यम् + उवाच)
वाक्यम्   - शब्दों                                                        
उवाच     - कहा

मधुसूदन: - भगवान् मधुसूदनने

संजय बोले- उस प्रकार करुणा से व्याप्त और आँसुओं से पूर्ण तथा व्याकुल नेत्रों वाले शोकयुक्त उस अर्जुन के प्रति भगवान मधुसूदन ने यह वचन कहा 

Translation in Marathi

उवाच - म्हणाले

तं - त्याला (अर्जुन)

तथा - अशा रीतीने

कृपयाविष्टमश्रुपूर्णाकुलेक्षणम् = (कृपया + आविष्टम् + अश्रुपूर्ण + आकुल + ईक्षणम्)
कृपया        - करुणेने          
आविष्टम्     - व्याप्त
अश्रुपूर्ण      - अश्रूंनी भरलेले
आकुल       - व्याकूळ
ईक्षणम्       - डोळे

विषीदन्तमिदं = (विषीदन्तम् + इदम्)
विषीदन्तम् - शोकग्रस्त                                                       
इदम् - ही

वाक्यमुवाच = (वाक्यम् + उवाच)
वाक्यम् - शब्द                                                          
उवाच - म्हणाले

मधुसूदन: - भगवान  मधुसूदन

सजंय म्हणाले, अशा रीतीने करुणेने व्याप्त, ज्याचे डोळे अश्रूंनी भरलेले व व्याकूळ दिसत आहेत, अशा शोक करणाऱ्या अर्जुनाला भगवान मधुसूदन असे म्हणाले.



To describe Arjun’s feelings, Sanjay uses the word kripaya, meaning pity or compassion.  This compassion is of two kinds.  One is the divine compassion that God and the saints feel toward the souls in the material realm, on seeing their suffering in separation to God.  The other is the material compassion that we feel upon seeing the bodily distress of others.  Material compassion is a noble sentiment that is not perfectly directed.  It is like being obsessed with the health of the car while the driver sitting within is famished for food.  Arjun is experiencing this second kind of sentiment.  He is overwhelmed with material pity toward his enemies gathered for battle.  The fact that Arjun is overcome by grief and despair shows that he is himself in dire need of compassion.  Therefore, the idea of his being merciful upon others is meaningless.


In this verse, Shree Krishna is addressed as “Madhusudan.”  He had slayed the demon Madhu, and hence gotten the name Madhusudan, or “slayer of the Madhu demon.”  Here, He is about to slay the demon of doubt that has arisen in Arjun’s mind and is preventing him from discharging his duty.